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Showing posts from November, 2019

What is Postpartum Hair?

Pregnancy is a magical period of time. Your body actually grows another human with their own DNA, personality and bright future. For nine months, you have two (or more, with multiples!) hearts beating in harmony within your body. Every action you make can impact this vulnerable creature. Your body changes drastically, which is both beautiful and challenging. Your hair grows thick and shiny. Your skin sometimes looks better than ever, but sometimes teenage-like acne makes an unwelcome return. Labour and delivery are the hardest physical activities you’ve ever dreamed of doing. The pain you endure, whether vaginally or by Caesarean, a re unrivaled. Your beautiful, perfect angel arrives in your arms and your heart is suddenly beating outside of your body. This extension of you becomes more important than your own comfort or your own life.  And you may not have noticed right away, but your hair starts to change again. It falls out, seemingly, in clumps. It’s dull, tangled and mat...